Can Hardwood Floors Cause Foot Pain

Most people love to have classic floors like hardwood, laminate, or tile in their homes. But they don’t have complete and correct knowledge. Concerning health, they usually ask, “Can Hardwood floors cause foot pain?” Being hardwood flooring experts, we strictly guide our customers about essential preventive measures.

Hardwood floors cause foot pain by damaging the protective layer of your feet. Due to the absence of the shock-absorbing ability of hard surfaces, all pressure is worn by the feet while walking, which is why pads damage over time and you feel hurt.

In this article, we will go over detailed causes and their solutions to save your health. Let’s have a look at what proper care should be done to avoid or get a solution for any serious complication;

Can Hardwood Floors Cause Foot Pain

In our practice, we have helped hundreds of customers with one common question, “Why do my feet hurt on hardwood floors?”. The answer is simply a lack of soft layers that are comfortable for feet. Shifting from soft rugs and carpets to modern yet hard floorings like wood, laminate, or tile has paid a huge price.

Wooden floors are so hard to walk on them barefooted consistently. They do not absorb any shock or pressure. On the other hand, the foot is considered the body’s shock absorber. Whenever someone walks on a hard wooden floor, the absolute pressure is observed by the foot and eventually your back. It disturbs the angle of foot arches and heel, causing a strained muscle condition and severe foot pain.

According to Research, hardwood floors reduce the crawling motion and performance of kids slightly compared to other floors.

Can Walking On Hardwood Floors Cause Plantar Fasciitis

Planter facilities

High rates of plantar fasciitis have been observed in people who walk barefoot on hardwood floors in their routine. This is an alarming sign of serious foot complications.

Plantar fasciitis is an irritation and inflammation of the plantar fascia, i.e., a thick band of connective tissue that joins the heel to toe. It is responsible for the movement of the foot. Walking on hard surfaces will cause this band to absorb the shock constantly. Repetitive shock absorption causes the plantar fascia to inflame and pain, which may lead to severe heel pain and foot complications.

This pain usually arises in the morning and fades away with time till the evening. However, it reappears on longer sittings, standing, or walking on hard surfaces. This is high time to get the perfect flooring for your home (that may not be possible on an urgent basis) or get any treatment or preventive measure for any further damage.

Study shows the least incidences of plantar fasciitis in people living in houses with wooden floors compared to ceramic, marble, or mosaic floors.

Ways To Treat Your Foot Pain Caused By Hard Floors

Health has no replacement. As soon as you observe the foot pain caused by hard floors, adopt any one of the following ways for your safety;

  1. Wear a soft, comfortable, and supportive shoe according to your shoe size and shape while walking on hard surfaces. 
  2. Get yourself a pair of shoes with arch support in them.
  3. Ice your feet for 5-10 minutes. You can use ice gel packs. This will relieve plantar fascia inflammation and soothe its pain.
  1. Stretch your calves and relax your muscles.
  2. Consult your doctor as soon as you start feeling pain. Soon the treatment will be, and the quicker the recovery will be.


1. Should I Wear Shoes On Hardwood Floors?

Yes, Go for a pair of shoes that fits perfectly to your feet size and shape. It will be preferred if there is a supportive arch in your shoes. This will not cause any pressure on your foot. Hence, wearing shoes with a soft base or socks while walking on hardwood floors is appreciated.

2. Is It Ok To Walk Barefoot On Hardwood Floors?

No, walking barefoot on hardwood floors is strictly prohibited. It damages not only your foot but also the wood. It causes pronation (excessive flattening) of feet. Oils from your feet leave marks or footprints on your floors that are sometimes responsible for the discoloration of a certain area.

The Bottom Line

Many different types of floorings are available in the market with their pros and cons. Foot pain is commonly caused by walking on hardwood floors, which can be elevated to serious levels of plantar fasciitis.
However, this is not something to worry about if paid attention to in the very beginning. It can be prevented by wearing shoes with small soles or thin socks.

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